Which Programming Languages Should Learn In 2023

How To Learn Programming Languages Faster & Better?

Programming is an exciting skill that increases your logic building and smart thinking. And the best way to learn programming is YouTube platform. Planning and Practice are most required to learn programming faster.  

 If you learn web development or javascript so Codepen is the best option for practice. You can read our articles on a good website for learning programming and coding courses for free. To become a good developer, a sequence of learning means stepwise learning is very important for beginner students.

Programming Languages Should Learn

How Many Programming Languages Should Learn?

"How many programming languages should I learn?" is the most popular question among beginners. So my opinion is it's not important how many programming languages you learn but important is how many programming languages you are the expert in.


If you start to learn any programming language so completely learn that and try to become an expert in that programming language. All programming languages are used for different purposes so you just decide what you like to do with programming and learn programming languages according to its need.

Best 10 Programming Languages To Learn In 2023

(1) Python

We know that Python is the most popular programing language which is liked by more than 60% of programmers in the world. And also python is one of most easy programming languages. The main reason to take python language on the first rank on this post is that python is easy but used in many powerful and high-income fields like data science, machine learning, artificial intelligence, etc. If you learn python so you will get a lot of ways for career opportunities or jobs. In 2023, some big companies like google, amazon, and TCS hires a lot of developers which know python. So we understand python can become a good feature option in the programming world.

Python is the best option for beginner stage programmers to start programming in my opinion because it is very easy to understand so beginners can easily understand programming concepts with this language. There are no premium software and high-performance devices required for python programming. You can also learn Python big and high memory required libraries using google colab. It provides you virtual machine to run big machine learning and data science programs in python.

Python used for:

  • Data Science and Data Analyze.
  • Data Visualization
  • Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence.
  • Software Development
  • Automation and Scripting
  • Web Development and Backend programming
  • Hacking programming

Learn Python

(2) Javascript

Javascript is the most used programming language by developers all over the world. It is a very useful website development and makes a powerful website backend. You can also use google firebase, server management, and ready-made modules using javascript code. Javascript is also used to add effects and ready-made backend codes by connecting js files to web pages.

Javascript is not a very hard or not very easy language so if you learn javascript so we suggest you first learn the basic concept of programming in some easy programming language for better understanding. And javascript is the compulsory programming language for web development. Javascript is a good option for connecting your sites or program with databases and online services. It provides good functionality to use the database, artificial intelligence, and machine learning in the website backend.

Javascript used for:

  • Make dynamic and interactive websites
  • Backend for websites
  • In mobile applications and functions
  • For web servers and database management in websites.

Learn Javascript

(3) Java

Java is a very important programming language for college placements and application software. IT companies pay very high incomes to java developers for android and software development. Java is older than python or javascript programming but it is still a very popular programming language. But java is one of the hardest programming languages to learn so you need some experience to understand java programming and concept. And java is also used in future technologies so It will also help you in future purposes.

Java is the third most popular programming language after javascript and python. And java is a very flexible programming language. The best benefit of java is that java is used everywhere. For example, software development, android development, backend, game development, security systems, etc. If you want to build high-performance and strong software or mobile applications so it is the best language for you.

Java used for:

  • Software developments
  • Android development
  • Backend functions and Database management
  • Web applications and Web servers
  • Big data technologies development
  • Desktop GUI

Learn Java

(4) Go

Go is designed by Google company. Go is a very popular and new trending programming language. Go supports a lot of features like package management, payment system, cookies management, to enable concurrent processing, manage HTTP requests, etc. Go is a very powerful programming language used by big companies like American express, Dropbox, Cloudflare, Meta, and Google. Go also provide powerful packages for development.

Go programming is new so programmers have very low competition. You can easily learn Go from its official Go.dev website. Google, Microsoft, Paypal, Facebook, Twitter, and Netflix like big companies hire Go developers with high salary packages. So Go development is a very good opportunity to learn an easy and powerful language to get good jobs.

Go used for:

  • Cloud-Native developments
  • Distributed Network services
  • Media Platforms
  • Powerful backend developments

Go Docs

(5) Kotlin

Kotlin is a trending programming language developed by JetBrain. Kotlin very similar programming language to Java. If you know java programming so you can easily understand and learn Kotlin language. Kotlin is used for android development and is liked by 60% of android developers. Its increases creativity and boosts productivity in android development. IF you want to make powerful and productive mobile applications with fast performance so Kotlin is the best option for you.

The big benefit you get in Kotlin programming is that it is 100% interoperable with Java programming language so you can have as little or as much of Kotlin in your project as you want. You can learn Kotlin programming from its official developer websites and Bootcamp provides a full detailed course to learn it.

Kotlin used for:

  • Android Development.
  • To build powerful productive mobile applications.
  • Server side and Client side web and android system.
  • Backend web development.
  • Data science.
  • Multi-Platform mobile apps.

Learn Kotlin

(6) Swift

Swift is one of the top 10 popular languages by professional developers in 2023. Swift language is developed by Apple company. Swift is a very secure and powerful performance programming language which used for many purposes like iPhone and iPad app development, macOS desktop application development, apple watch software development, etc.

If you are interested in apple product development and working with apple company so it is required a programming language for it. Apple like a company gives very high salaries to swift programmers or developers. And the competition for swift jobs is very low so you can easily get a good job with swift programming.

Swift used for:

  • Apple's product development.
  • macOS desktop application development.
  • iPhone and iPad app development.
  • In the future, it may use for web applications and other services.

Learn Swift

(7) TypeScript

TypeScript is a very strongly typed programming language made in javascript. Typescript is new and getting very popular in 2023 for javascript developments. Typescript is giving you better tooling and functions in web development. Typescript makes javascript development efficient and easy. Typescript is specially used for large applications and software developments.

In short words, the Typescript programming language is an advanced version of javascript. If you know javascript programming language so you can easily learn Typescript in some time. But make sure first you learn javascript and after go for learn Typescript because it improves your understanding and learning speed.

Typescript used for:

  • Improve javascript development
  • Build large and powerful applications
  • The backend of web applications

Learn Typescript

(8) R

R is a statistical computing and graphics programming language. It is used for data handling, calculation, and graphics display. R programming provides high performance and graphic technology functionality. You can analyze data and visualize data set using R programming. R programming is used by big companies like Amazon, Google, Twitter, and Facebook for data management or analyzing customers' data. R makes data visualization easy through graphics programming and it's also useful for data science.

R programming provides great resources which make it easy to draw charts,  pie charts, histograms, box plots, scatter plots, etc. Mathematics functions like mean, median, mode, max, min, metrics, and data frames are easy to perform on data sets using R resources.

R used for:

  • Data Analysis and Data Visualization
  • Graphics technologies
  • Data Science

Learn R

(9) PHP

PHP is a server scripting programming language used for web development. It is a very powerful programming language to build dynamic and interactive web pages. PHP provides you a lot of features that help you to build an advanced website like W3schools, online tools website, etc. PHP programming language is one of the best alternatives to Microsoft ASP.NET.

You can add a working contact form, and manage databases and cookies in web development using PHP programming. PHP is also an easy programming language that also directly used on an HTML page by adding PHP starting and closing tags.

PHP used for:

  • Dynamic and interactive web development.
  • Connect website to databases
  • Integrated with MySQL, PostgreSQL, Oracle, Sybase, and Informix.
  • Building e-commerce websites.
  • Session tracking.

Learn PHP

(10) C++

C is a very popular programming language known for game development and competitive programming. C is very hard to learn for beginners so if you want to learn C++ faster then first learn C as an easy language. C++ is a difficult programming language but it is very faster than Java or Python. C++ is mostly used for building high-performance fast software and games because its code compile time is very less. You can also use C++ for desktop application GUI, software development, competitive programming, computer programs, system software development, building internet browsers, etc.

C++ used for:

  • Competitive programming.
  • Software development.
  • Operating system development
  • System software development.
  • Game development.
  • Build internet browsers and their extension.

Learn C++

All programming language is given rank 1 to 10 by their popularity and uses. But their rank doesn't matter, You must choose some of this programming language list according to your need and interest to learn. You can comment to us with any questions related to this article.

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