Many Online Bloggers mostly newbies face problems when it comes to how to Generate Traffic to your website. Well first of all let me tell you that Driving traffic for your website isn’t that easy.
thing I want to mention in the beginning is that you have to keep
patience because your website traffic cant grow up in a couple of days.
It may take some time so keeping patience will help you go through and Generate massive Traffic to your website.
Strategies to Increase Website Traffic For Free

Offer Quality, Free and Original Content.
This means that you should offer users unique and quality content which should be free and try to make articles which may not be found elsewhere on the internet.You should create posts which should be having high quality content which may rank you up from your competitors.
You must create good useful and helpful content which can help users to get what they came for. You need to offer your website visitors the information or problem solving which they are searching for and your content must give them the right answer.
So if any user visits your website and your content helped him once he will surely try to visit next time because you are giving him the perfect content which he/she is searching for and this is a very important step you have to take if you want to Generate Traffic to your website.
Optimize Your Website For Search Engines
Search Engines are and will be the major way to get traffic for your website so that’s the reason you have to optimize your website for search engines to make your site rank up in the search engine for your targeted keywords.Search Engine Optimization is the most powerful way of increasing traffic to your site. All you have to do is give some time and work hard for it. You need to give a lot of effort for bringing your website up in the ranking.
Search Engine Optimization is not very difficult to do and if you are not familiar with it you can read about SEO and learn how to increase website traffic.
Generating Traffic With Social Bookmarking Websites
Social Bookmarking Sites is great strategy for generating website traffic. Especially the best social bookmarking websites like Reddit, Stumbleupon, Pinterest, Twitter are very powerful for your website traffic.You may not know but if your work hard and invest some great effort on social bookmarking websites you will see that you can generate massive traffic from social bookmarking websites.
I will strongly recommend you to work on social bookmarking as they play a very important role for increasing your website traffic.
Drive Traffic to Website from Guest Blogging
There are a bunch of websites that will allow you to write articles for them and in exchange your site backlink will be placed on their website. This will really help you in increasing your search engine rankings.This is a very best method for generating traffic to your site. You may have seen there are many guest authors writing their articles on popular blogs and in return get a backlink to their own website.
you may have seen on the end of the posts, its written “Guest Post by Author Name” and there is full introduction of the author with a link to their website.
So this is how they generate traffic to their website and so can you do.
Participating In Forums
Participating in Online Forums is one of the most used strategy to generate traffic for your blog and website.
You can join any forum that is related to your website category. If you are creating a weight loss Blog then you should participate in a weight loss forum.
Join as many forums as you can but in a relevant category. You can use forums to create a community. You can ask questions, you can give answers and a lot more activities you can do in an online forum.
So promoting your useful content on forums will also be a great way for getting traffic from Forums.
Get Linked to Other Websites
This is a very important and great way for generating website traffic. This is a way in which you have to exchange or trade links with other websites.It means that you have to give your website link to other website owner to place your link on his website so in return you will place his website link on your website.
Remember don’t place link of any low quality website on your site because it can threaten the credibility of your website.
Only link to those sites which are high quality websites and which can really help you increase traffic.
Blog Commenting for Website Traffic
Commenting on other websites is also a great source and one of the best strategies to generate traffic to your website. But you should be careful because the site on which you should be commenting must be related to your website niche.
Only related websites backlinks will benefit your search engine rankings. If you generate backlinks from websites that does not relate to your website then i think you are going wrong.
Mostly all the websites moderate comments to first check the comments their self and then approve to show on their site.
So you should be respectful and provide some content in comment. Your comment should not be a one line comment but it should be more than that.
Blog commenting is a great way and you can achieve your goals for generating traffic for your blog.
Generate Traffic from Youtube
Youtube is the second biggest search engine and is one of the best way to generate website traffic for free.Youtube is a free online source from which everyone can easily take the advantage and get some backlinks and website traffic.
You can create related videos to your content and upload them to Youtube. Using the perfect keywords for your video you can increase the ranking of your video in the Youtube search engine.
As you start getting views on your Youtube video you will see that your website traffic will start increasing.
You might not know that YouTube is very powerful for increasing traffic. So I will also recommend Youtube and you should give it a try.
Use Social Media to Get More Traffic
Social Media is a very well known way of driving website traffic. Interact as much with other people on social media as you can.The more you interact with other users the higher chances are for you to be followed. You will receive traffic once you get a strong grip on social media.
Try to spend 20 to 30 minutes per day on social media to grow your network. You also must start and join groups to grow your community.
So I will also strongly recommend you to use social media so that you can generate traffic to website from Social Media.
I will also recommend you Generate Massive Traffic to your Website with Reddit.
Other Points
you write anything, you must do a keyword research for two reasons.
First, you will know about current trending topics to write about.
Second, you are writing to earn money online. That's the main purpose
for blogging - to earn money.