9 keyword research tips for ranking on Google

Why  do  visitors  come  to  your  site  or  what  do  they  want  from  you?  Realizing  this,  keyword  research  is  needed  to  provide  more  advanced  services. The  keyword research tips mentioned  here  will  help  you  do  keyword  researc h  in  a  better  and  more  accurate  way.  Here  you  will  find  details   about  what  are  keywords. 

Keyword research is not a one-time job. You always have to do this to rank and improve a website. If you want to be a successful blogger, you need to continue your keyword research.   

 We know a variety of SEO research tools. These tools help us find the right sentences. However, the content of our post is a bit different. The topic of our discussion is how you can find useful keywords for your site. Here are some keyword research tips, you can follow these guides for your own keyword research. 


Let us review the basics before moving on to the main topic.

What does keyword research mean?

Keyword research is an important and urgent part of blog SEO tips, where the most searched keywords and key phrases are popular and found in search engines.

Also, with this process, we can get blog articles, new topics, and key phrases for profitable and interested people.

keyword research tips for ranking

The first step in optimizing any article for "search engine" is keyword research. That way, you'll be able to find the best and most searched keywords on Google.

And by researching articles and targeting profitable keywords you can get more visitors from Google and other search engines.

When it comes to blogging, keywords are a way for Google and other search engines to understand and learn about your blog and the articles written on the blog. And, depending on the keywords targeted in your article, search engines send the right traffic or visitors to your blog.

Why is keyword research important

 First, it is important to do this process to find more profitable and more searched keywords in Google search.

Second, you can find out how much Google is searching for what you are writing about, or how much people are searching on Google for what you are writing.

Remember, if you're writing an article targeting a keyword, there's no point in writing that article if it's less than 100 searches per month.

You will get much less traffic or visitors to the article written with keywords. 

So, it is often seen that bloggers write a lot of good quality content, and yet their blogs are not getting any traffic at all from search engines.

But the sole reason for this is often "writing articles without keyword research".

Although you are writing a good article and the article has a lot of good SEO optimization, your targeted keywords are not searched at all in Google search.

You may be wondering why the blog is not getting traffic and visitors even after doing everything right.

So, the purpose of keyword research before writing a blog article is to find the keyword you are targeting to write the article so that a good number of searches are done every month in Google search.

Your targeted keywords will be searched more (500) Google search, traffic or visitors will come to your article.

Lastly, remember that the key to success in your blogging career is writing articles targeting more popular and more searched keywords.

So let's come to the main discussion. Let's take a look at key keyword research tips.

Study your niche

Understand your niche better before doing keyword research. You cannot present yourself properly if you do not know well about your product or service.

Talk to customers to study your niche. Be aware of what kind of service they are interested in getting from you. Know what they are interested in about your service or their terms.

Think of yourself as a customer. Find out what you want to know about this service if you use it yourself.

There are many social platforms online to know about it, join there. Want to know about your subject there. Talk to them.

Search your topic online. Try to understand how others are providing this service. Analyze how they are succeeding.

Formulate goals

If you want to start keyword research right now, you need to set your own goals first. If you do not set goals, your research may not be successful. So set goals first. It will give you guidance on how to do keyword research.

You need to answer some questions to formulate your goals. E.g.

  • Do you want to sell, or offer a service?
  • Who or what will use your services or products?
  • What is the specialty of the service you want to provide?
  • What is the demand for the product?
  • Why would they buy your product or receive services?
  • What other product does the customer want to buy or service? 

Start keyword research by considering the above issues. If you do keyword research with these topics in mind, then you will have a chance to reach your goal.

Make a list of seed keywords

When you research specific keywords, make a list of what words people use to search for them. These words are called seed keywords. These are basically single words.

Seed "keywords will help you discover your core keywords and queries, from which you can understand how real people are searching for the subject.

Participate through various forums or social media related to your topic before starting research. E.g.

Related inquiries

You can also easily choose some standard keywords from "Related Searches" at the bottom of Google's search results. This can be a great keyword research process for you.

Think you have “What is SEO?” If you want to get angry about this, then search for it. Now scroll down.

Here are some keywords related to your search. From here you can choose the sentence you like.

If you still don't get the desired keyword or want to verify further, click on a sentence of your choice. Scroll down as before, find some more related sentences here. If not, do it again.

Depending on your search, Google recommends these keywords. That means a lot of people search for these keywords, no doubt about it.

Concentrate on highly relevant, low-competition keywords

Focus on highly relevant, less competitive words to make SEO keyword research more specific. This will get you some keywords that are especially useful for your site.

These types of keywords usually have long tails. Also, these sentences focus on a specific topic. This will help you to write a specific article. Visitors are also more interested in these sentences.

The ranking is a bit easier due to less competition for specific keywords. So more and more organic traffic increases. You can use Google's suggestions to find specific sentences. Suppose you want to give information about Android phones. Enter your keyword "Android Phone" in the Google search box.

See how many keywords Google is automatically suggesting to you here. Pick a few sentences from here. Then check their search volume and difficulty. Select high search-volume and comparatively low competition keywords.

Look for long-tail keywords

If you are an old blogger, you can work with any words. But if you are a new blogger, it is better to choose long-tail keywords. Because these keywords target a well-defined topic. They also have less competition.

What is a longtail keyword?

A short Tail keyword is any one word. And keywords that refer to something with 2 or more words are long keywords. For example, "Android" is a single word, so it is a short tail keyword. Again, the phrase "android device manager" is made up of 3 words. This is a long keyword.

Choosing long keywords for article writing is one of the best SEO tips and tricks. Because it is possible to easily rank in search engines using these keywords. Below are a few simple ways to find long-tail keywords.

1. Google search

Type the keyword of your choice in the Google search box. See how many more keywords Google is suggesting to match your topic. 

From here you can choose one or more long tail keywords.

2. Google related search

Type the specific word in the Google search box and press Enter. Then scroll down the page. There is a section called Related Search.

You can also choose the longer keyword of your choice from here. 

3. People also Ask

You can also take the help of the People Also Ask section of Google Search to find the keyword you want. When you search for a specific wrd on Google, you will find a section called People Also Ask on the results page.

You can also choose the longer keyword of your choice from here. There are also some more keyword research tools, such as SEM Rush, Ehrefs, Mozbar, and Google Keyword Planner. These tools will also help you to find long keywords easily.

Check your competition

You need to know about your competitors before you start writing. And for that, do a Google search for your keyword. Think of sites 1 to 5 as your competitors. If there is a site here that is highly established, then it is a bit difficult to compete.

Take a closer look at the 1st 4/5 pages of search results. Make a note of what words they used, what questions they answered. Now judge whether to use the words used by the contestant.

See how competitors are ranking keywords. It's not that you have to do what they did. But they care more about which sentences, how they are ranking. This will allow you to find the right keywords, as well as get ideas on how to rank those sentences.

Now the question is, how do you know what competitors are ranking for? You can use a quality SEO keyword research tool. There are many SEO tools for this. But you can use "Ahrefs" and "SEMRush" tools if you want. These tools will provide you with the information that competitors are ranking for.

In the new situation, it is better not to choose any high competition keyword. Choose terms that have high search volume and relatively low competition. Now write a more advanced, informative, and analytical post than the contestant.

Use Google Analytics for keyword research

Google Analytics can play an important role in the keyword selection process for SEO content planning. Analytics reports analyze the traffic trends of the site. And from this, you can know which keywords are driving visitors to your site.

You can track the location of the visitor using this tool. Also, get ideas about their interests. This tool will also help you get an idea of what time they are spending on your site.

Once you enter the "Traffic Source" option in Google Analytics, you will know which keywords visitors are using to visit your site. This valuable information will help you find keywords that will help you rank easily.

Use keyword research tools

Proper keyword research is essential for any SEO, PPC, or content marketing promotion. There are several ways to do this. There are several SEO tools to make your job easier. You can easily find the right word by using these tools. So let's see which are these tools.

Google Keyword Planner

Google Keyword Planner is a Google service. This tool will give you accurate information about any keywords.


  • Search for commercial keywords using the "Page Top" bid limit
  • The number of accurate searches directly from Google's search engine
  • Best choice for business websites


SEMrush is a very popular SEO tool at the present time. It gives you tips on how to use keywords that you can use to succeed.


  • Uncover ideas for long-tail keywords and ad groups
  • Get Annual Keyword Trends  
  • Worldwide CPC Distribution Statistics 
  • Access to Full Keyword Research Toolkit
  •  Keyword Difficulty Analysis
  • Organic Traffic Insights 


Keyword Explorer Ahrefs is currently one of the best SEO tools. It is a platform that provides you with comprehensive keyword reports.


  • Accurate keyword difficulty score
  • 1,000+ keyword suggestions
  • Supported in maximum countries
  • Click metrics to improve CTR
  • Extensive SERP overview


KWfinder is another SEO support tool. It helps to provide you with the best keyword research tools.


  • A unique and easy to navigate user interface
  •  Look for keywords in any language target, anywhere
  • Choose options from a list of strong keywords
  • Get precise statistics on keyword contests-
  • In-depth SERP overview along with a list of suggestions
  • Use filters to refine the list of keyword suggestions

Long Tail Pro

The name Long Tail Pro suggests what it will look like. You can easily find long keywords using this tool.


  • Strong, detailed keyword metrics
  •  Easily find long-tail keywords
  • Provides recommendations for attracting highly convertible organic traffic
  • 400 ++ SERP searches every 24 hours


In conclusion, our keyword research tips will definitely help you get the right sentence. Now your responsibility is to use it properly. For this, you need to know how to use keywords in your content.

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