Best 100% working tips of 2023 to improve your pc performance.

Friends today I'm going to share with you all about the improvement of your pc performance:

Friends many of us have a pc I mean desktops and laptops. But the common problem is day-by-day our pc performance decreasing but today we are going to discuss to fix this problem and analyze the reasons for this problems friends basically when you buy a new desktop or laptop then it runs with a great speed but after some time it runs like a turtle but let's analyze it and try to get solutions for that type of problem.

Installations of some unnecessary software :

Friends this is the common problem of all of us. When we buy a new desktop or laptop then we install some unnecessary software and that creates processes and create so much pressure for your computer processor so if you don't need any software or you don't have any use of it then uninstall this software.

Don't install antivirus on windows 10:

Friends this not a recommended idea but if you have a low-end pc and you don't use the internet and you don't connect your pc with an unknown person's Pendrive then you don't need any antivirus. But if you want to browse the internet and you insert other's Pendrive then don't worry about it windows defender available in windows 10 it helps you to protect your pc from some viruses. But this is not recommended if you surfing any malicious websites then you need an antivirus with premium protection.

Uncleaned pc:

Friends this is the common problem of all of us and many of us forget to clean their pc and that affects your cooling system dust cover your cooler and your pc failed to get proper cooling and your pc computer processor heated quickly and after some time your CPU run in down-clock and that causes lags. So it's recommended to clean your pc 2 times/year.

Stop updating your pc software:

Friends if you have a low-end or old pc then don't update your software keep going with old software because the new software is lighter for new hardware but heavier for old hardware.

Clean junk files:

Friends junk files are a big reason for slowing down your pc so if you want to clean junk easily then you can use cc cleaner but if you don't want to install any software for this work then you can do it by running some programs 

The programs are 
Win+R to open the program runner 
Then type "temp" and run after select all files press delete.

After that again win+R and type "%temp%" and run this and clear all files.

Friends these all are the common reasons for slowing down your pc but if these tips don't work then you need to upgrade your pc that is the only solutions old because your pc hardware parts are weak for modern and heavy software.

Friends I hope you all understood that I want to say I hope you all enjoyed this article and at last friends thanks for reading this article. And see you all in the next article.

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