Best Fantasy App for 100% confirmation winning for that position with same amount of winning
Fantacy Akhada (medium platform) confrim league
4/7 compulsory (3batcomp 3ball compulsory.
Cricket Exchange (100% wining less loss) (meidum platform) flexible league.
10/1 format
allow to play with 20 free teams for first prize 2k and 2nd with rs500
4/7 compulsory (3batcomp 3ball compulsory
Batball11 (2nd innings available) (midim platform) confirm league
1/10 combination
Real11 (2nd innings available (3x 2x 1.5x vablablke (miduim platform) confirm league
1/10 combination
Life11 (3bat 3bowlwe compulsory (low platform
7/4 (3bat compulsory 3 bowler compulsry
confirm wining but more charge 35%
No gst and TDS (tds refunded as discount
Mymaster11 (big platform)
10/1 combination
Vijayi bhawa (low platform
4/7 compulsory (3batcomp 3ball compulsory
league11 (medium platform ) confirm league
4/7 compulsory (3batcomp 3ball compulsory
Share market app
exchange11 app( select player out of 22 players
Kubera (select player out of 5players
Other Popular Apps with good members
Howzat (medim palatform
Myteam11 (big platform ) flexinle league
Cricpe (medim palatform ( flexinle league
App without 100% confirmation but good app
Sportsbuz11 (meduim platform) flexinle league
4/7 compulsory but( you can select only 1 batsman or bowler and rest others
Boom11 (low platform)
any combination 1/10 and you can select only 1 batsman or bowler and rest others