Credit card is a favourable and beneficial tools to make purchases , but the credit card should be handled carefully. In this article (Credit Card Tips : Everyone Should Know) Credit card holders will get to know the important and worthwhile tips that will help them to use their credit card wisely. Plus if they use credit card reasonably ,they are building good credit score.
Tips to use credit card efficiently
1) Pay their dues strictly:
Credit card also helps them to track on their expenses and helps them to spend wisely. Flippant purchases can lead to pile of debt .So they have to use credit card when ever it is required or in emergency situations. Use the credit card as a temporary loan , and then pay back the due amount as soon as possible to decrease or avoid interest charges.
3) Practice Credit utilization Ratio Law :
4) Manage credit card data securely:
The black magnetic strip contains important information about card and needs special handling. Do not keep credit card in an area where continuous magnetic field. Do not leave card on the top of television set or nearby electronic appliance. Keep card away from direct sunlight .
These precautions will help protect the important information stored on the magnetic strips an ensure that they do not face any problems while using their card. Also keep security details as security pin ,OTP ,CVV number and expiry date private and secure. Always swipe credit card only at trustable POS machines and ATMs .
5) Balance Alerts can help keep expenses at radar:
When they pay for everything in cash , it can not be easy to see how much they are spending .Tracking how much they put on a credit card it make simple , especially if they just getting started with credit by setting a certain level of balance to spend per month .
This is the best way to prevent overspending , of course to create budget and stick to it.
6) Continuously review credit card charges:
It is important to report unauthorized charges and payment as immediately as possible to stay away with overcharging. Make a routine to pay attention to credit card bill .
7) Don't afraid to use credit card:
a zero balance on credit card won't do any good. Credit card issuer
want to see how they use credit so it is important to make purchases
with credit card and spend meticulously.
Keeping it active prevent them from closing of their card.
8) Mid cycles payment to boost credit score:
The card issuer doesn't necessarily report account information after making monthly payment. It could be reported at any point of billing cycle. Depending on when that is, and how much it charge each month, the utilization that gets reflected in their credit scores could be high or low. One potential solution: Don't wait till due date to pay card bill. Make a habit of going online in the middle of the billing cycle and paying down the credit balance.
9) Report about lost or stolen credit card instantly:
Please call the credit card provider helpline number immediately and report the loss/ theft so that issuer can block credit card immediately. Report the loss to the police and collect a copy of the complaint / FIR .
Many card issuers offer zero fraud liability, which means they won’t have to pay for unauthorized charges if your card is ever lost or stolen and used without their permission. So be sure to report a loss as soon as possible.
10) Keep Earn Rewards:
Credit card that offers exciting new deals and benefits can work wonder on budgeting. They may receive about offers and reward point deals thorough emails scan them carefully for any credit card bonuses and rewards benefits. Credit card also connected with e commerce platform for exciting offers.