TOP 5 Best Weapons in Shindo Life 2023

I know not a lot of people use weapons they mostly depend on their bloodlines. there's no sound they mostly depend on their bloodlines i mean i can see why but sometimes weapons can be pretty damn useful for good combos. You know so i decided to make a top five list out of that top five of my opinions of top fives because i think these are the like the five best swords that most people go for. 


  2. #4 UMPIRE FAN
  3. #3 DUAL SENKO
  4. #2 THREAD
  5. #1 EMBER CHI

TOP 5 Best Weapons in Shindo Life 2023

You're probably good at that weapon i don't know depends on your combos and everything depends on what you have. of course i don't know every combo so this is mostly from my experiences and such like that and from others i guess from what i've seen them from what i can imagine but yeah let's get on with shall we 


Number five Best Weapons in Shindo Life is actually the Bankai blade which is this thing here this this was before the gaiden kusanagi version two this was one of the rarest weapons in the game.

I don't know if this is the rarest weapon anymore but what this does is uh basically can teleport you yeah like at a certain location. if you press q or somewhere you teleport to the place you threw it and you also deal damage to those close by and the thing is the cooldown is so short. 

It takes no stamina whatsoever. so that's pretty pretty neat. so this is a very good weapon if you want to get out of the sticky situations you jump in the air and throw it away and then there you go. 

that's pretty good for mobility and staying far away from danger this but this can also be used to combo extend if you but that's kind of difficult but if you do it correctly you do like a full-on bloodline combo and then you reset them. 

They get hit for 40k almost and you can continue the combo that's uh how it usually works and that's how yes i mean it's kind of difficult but to actually land the extended combo but it's possible it's definitely possible you should be luck i guess or

know where to aim but yeah that was uh i don't know how much more to tell about the bunk i'm late that's all i know of it. 


Number four Best Weapons in Shindo Life list is by some surprise for you so of your surprises is the forged Umpire fan. 

now i'll i really really love this uh this fan right here because this has always been uh well this was known as a goodbye before but this has always been a weapon of my clothes favorite so this is kind of a bias opinion. 

but why it's also pretty good basically what this weapon does is that the same m1 and the good range as well on it. but what it does is basically just press q you send tornado dealing a lot of damage but the thing is they get flung up in the air.

 so you don't you only get to deal like 20 000 or not even that maybe 30 000 damage ish on them. why would you bring it regularly but if you have any moves that can like make them stuck in place.


Number three Best Weapons in Shindo Life which is a Dual Senko now a lot of people might be surprised that this is on a three-spot but hear me out okay I should be biased but i'm not because this is actually well.

the weapons i always run with these are the my first priority pick weapon. this is the first weapon i pick whenever i need a weapon. so basically what this does if you don't know if you press q you teleport to everybody close by and they're going to help it to all the oldest three people. 

I think only two you didn't nerf it to two people now don't know but it's a post teleport to four people and deal the amount of damage that they did. you only teleported to two people now. 

that's crazy but either way deal thirty thousand damage now and you might think oh that's not a lot that's not the important part the important part is that it gives iframes.


Number two Best Weapons in Shindo Life is the thread blade or the nuibari as the old name was now the thread blade. a lot of people like using this basically what this plate is is that it drags people to you and so basically just be close and it drags the other people close to you.

it doesn't deal actually deals like decent damage but that's not the main goal here. the main goal is that it drags towards you and they're stuck in place while they're dragged that means you can i think you can use moose while you have dragged them or you can use some moves that stuns them either way. 

this is a combo extender that's one pointer you like you do a full comb on them with moves and everything and then you drag them close to you you continue to make the combo while they're stuck and then you can do the mad damage with this.

One thing is the range of this thing is not that big so you need to be close that's why people do like most people do a full combo when they're kicked off.

 you can drag them in again the full combo or something like that and rinse and repeat almost this isn't cool this is on cooldown. it doesn't like a semi cool medium kind of cooling you know 16 seconds it's not that long but yeah this is a musket weapon because

this is definitely something you will need if you have like very busted combos.


Next up Best Weapons in Shindo Life is the Ember Chi blade which is down here i don't have it because i didn't bother to look for it and i haven't since because i'm not really into looking for weapons right now. 

The emperor amber chi blade is exact same as saberu tanto let's just equip how it works. it's like that a slash and it deals good damage and it stuns that's important but it stuns. 

now the g blade the amber g blade it does the exact same but dealing more damage and a bigger range and multiple hits you do three hits instead of one giant slash. 

you do three slashes i'm not really sure how the damage is but i think it's either something close to 30k or something more. bursting more like well it's it's minimum 30k damage to total. 

it's a minimum 30k damage total with the amber g blade and you can use it you hit it you hit multiple times very fast. but it's the range and this thing is pretty big hitbox is pretty big on this one. 

so you can hit a lot of people with it and some mobile people which is pretty good i think you can don't take them.

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