How to earn money from quora step by step?

Earn money from quora step by step?

We know many ways to earn income online but income from Quora is unknown to many. Usually we don't choose YouTube, then Blogger, then Facebook page etc. to make income online, in that case we don't know Quora.

There are many ways to earn money online nowadays and it is possible to earn a lot of money online. Currently we can earn lot of money from this Quara Platform. 

Quara currently has over 200 million monthly user visits so it has become a medium where you can easily earn money by sharing your experience. 

You can earn enough money from Quora by using the knowledge and experience have. What benefit is a site in the event that is it essentially "Mixes in" with all the other things out there? For this reason, we can easily earn money using Quora website. 

Some questions from different people and different countries are asked on this website ( and you have the opportunity to earn income from there. This website has an application that you can use. But most people do not know that it is possible to earn money from Quora. 

Many of us have already learned how to earn money from YouTube, Facebook page, Website etc. Today we will learn through this article how we can earn money from this Quora website. 

What is Quora?

Quora is a question and answer website, through which we or any person in the world can ask his question and large number of respondents can answer his question. It was created in 2009 by Adam D'Angelo and Charlie Cheever. The popularity gradually increased from the year after its creation. 

Quora, a website where you can easily take visitors to your website of affiliate link by answering any question and from there you can earn a lot of money.

We have heard about many types of forum websites online. It is also online quotation or answer forum website. Here people from different countries of the world write their questions to get answer. If you know the answers to all these questions, you can easily answer them. 

It is possible to select from this website about your experience i.e. what you are experienced in and what you can answer. Suddenly you can choose the subject from your personal personality or personality subject.

Quora, lot notable feature of this is that if you want to ask a question to a specific person, you can ask him and after that person receives his notification, you can get the answer to this specific topic from that specific person.

Quara is one of the most popular website in the world. About 12 crore new visitors visit this website every month. This website is at the top of the search engine even for the answers to the questions that are not found in any other website or article. Another important thing is that this website is ranked 81 st in the world. 

What is Quora Platform Program?

Due to the growing popularity of the Quora Platform, its founded has launched a new service the Quora Platform Program. With this service anyone can answer any question and earn money from there.

The point is, any question asked will be paid to the respondent by running his advertisement from this website and he will keep some money himself and the respondent can withdraw all his money through PayPal account. 

But to get their partner program on this you have to at least one lakh viewers of the answer as a respondent. If you have over one million visitors, you can join this Quora Partner Program service. 

Those who are more or less familiar with the site know that there is an option to upvot below any question or answer. The more you get upvot here, the more slowly your ranking will increase. Quora keeps a good eye on this. 

How to make money from Quora?

As I said before, is a website where up to 12 crore new visitors come every month with their questions or queries, so there are many ways to earn money here.

As I try to explain with a little examples. Suppose someone ask which headphone is better for 500 rupees. You answered this question and immediately gave you an affiliate link to buy it. Click and buy the headphones, but you can earn income from there. 

So it is understood that is a medium from which you can earn money in many ways. I have discussed in detail the topics or means through which you can earn money from and how it is possible to earn money using it. I will discuss that too.

Bringing traffic to your website. 

One of the most popular ways to earn money from Quora and one of the ways for me is to earn enough money from you website with enough traffic or visitors from here. Suppose you have a website this is Monetized by AdSense ads. 

If you Quora write the answer to question a bit and read it there or click on this link to find out more. Once you enter the website, you can earn money from your AdSense ads. 

However, if you use Quora to earn money from the website, then it is possible to earn enough money from your website only if you bring the visitors with the answers to that topic. I will not be the case that your website is about sports and you are bringing visitors with answers to earn money online. 

If you want to get traffic or visitors to your website from Quora, you can get a link to your website by answering the question on all the topics on which you have written the article. You will immediately create a backlink which will help your website to be SEO. 

Sells E-books-

You may be surprised to hear that quora can earn up to a few crores of rupees per month by selling quora E-books. At quora, people are searching for their queries every moment. There are many things that are searched that cannot be explained by answering them.

And there are many e-book sellers who take advantage of this opportunity and take the opportunity to sell them from here. After giving some answers, they give the link of those e-books here and ask them to buy these e-books.

It all these case the writers who have created their e-books try to answer these questions from here and talk about buying their e-books to know more. These types of e-books range in price from 100 to 200 dollars each so you can estimate how much money you can earn by selling e-books from Quora.

Affiliate Marketing to Make Income.

First of all, I gave a small idea about how affiliate marketing can be done from Now let’s say you are associated with affiliate marketing, that is, Amazon, Flipkart or all such e-commerce websites. 

As a blogger you must be more more or less associated with the domain or hosting in all these cases quora is searched a lot. Which hosting is best for the website or where to buy the domain can be found cheaply or which hosting company provides the service securely. If you answer all these questions and share the link of your affiliate in it, you can think about how much money you can earn.

Advertisement to make income-

Suppose you have created a company or a website but no one knows about it. And one of the ways to spread your company website among these people is quora.

By advertising here, you can easily spread your brand among the people. And when someone comes to this Quora and searches for something about a company, your ads or advertisement will come to the top and you will get visitors from it.

Once visitors reach your company's website, you can make your company's main objective a success, which means you can make money. 

What is Quora Space?-How to make money from it?

One of the services of is Quora Space. However, this program is still in beta. Through this service, anyone can work as an admin of Quora Space in Quora and can earn money from Quora ads.

However, if you want to be a member of Quora Space on, you may must contact their admin by e-mail. In this case you have to send your request by e-mailing to this email address. 

If the admin wishes, he can make you a space member of with this request approval. 

There is no doubt that quora is a famous website in the internet world. Those of us who blog are more or less associated with Quora. Because here we want to bring visitors to our website or blog by answering any question and immediately create various links.

But we don't know how to make money from Quora. However, the few ways I have discussed how to make money from Quora are very important and not a single story. 

So using any one of the above methods you can earn enough money from this Quora.

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