3 Ridiculous Skincare Routine Mistakes Seriously Need To Fix

This post about skincare routine mistakes for men is the first in a 10-day blog skincare routine for men series that is created just for you.  Get all the tricks and tips you need to optimize your skincare routine every day as a guy and get more attractive not only on outfits but also in good breathes and nice body fragrance both at home and even when you go out.   



3 Ridiculous Skincare Routine Mistakes

Sounds good, right?

Here is a quick glance at all the 10 posts in the men's skincare routine series that you can't afford to miss out on as a guy. 

3 Ridiculous Skincare Routine Mistakes Guy Seriously Need To Fix 


If you are a beginner guy learning how to imbibe good skincare habits for the time being or you have been doing some skincare routines for a while now but probably stopped for some reason or so, chances are that you are making some mistakes.

Don't get me wrong here, please.

I must confess, as a young guy back then in high school, trying to take care of myself was actually some sort of plague to me. So, I literally struggled with basic skincare routines like brushing my teeth!


And guess what?


That was an expensive mistake I really made sure to correct as an adult if not you can almost guess my condition, can you?


Bad breath obviously!


Making mistakes is normal and fine but when it comes to routines for skincare it is an absolute necessity to do it right.


So, let's dive into these mistakes so that you can get some good skincare tips to help you transition well.


#1 Winging It

Probably the last time you thought about skincare was about a week ago, or should I guess it's about a month ago!


And you know what?


I was also heavily guilty of such an act as a beginner then. Nothing bothered me other than just taking a shower, wearing my clothes, and getting to my business.


So, why then should you even bother about taking up some skincare routine as a guy, when it is traditionally a girl-thing?


Well, I totally get you. But one fact you must acknowledge is that the body is like a machine that produces all sorts of waste products that get partially removed by the skin.

If you are not keeping to a routine where you take quality time to attend to the needs of your skin, then you are indirectly asking for trouble- skin cancer.


Research has shown that one of the deadliest skin cancer in man is melanoma.


And do you know what the bad part is?

It mostly affects men!

So, what should you do instead?


Don't wait until it's too late to correct a skin problem by not having a skincare routine.


If it's body part specific:


T-Zone of your face (forehead, nose, chin)









Then have a routine where each of these body parts is specifically attended to. Nothing much, nothing less.

It is totally worth doing a skincare routine for your body trust me.



#2 You're Following The Long Gone Skincare Myths

Everywhere I heard about skincare routines for men says to always use one product for skincare and indulge in what the ladies do.

Uh no!

Why would I not want to BENEFIT from doing a good skincare routine and leave it only for the ladies to enjoy? This makes no sense to me.

Can I tell you a secret?

Your facial skin is quite different from the rest of your body and using bar soaps can wear out the natural face oils leading to dryness and break out.

And do you know the worst-case scenario?

Your beards will also dry out too!

Now I understand that if you are new to doing good skincare every day and you don't have enough skincare products to start with, you HAVE to stick to a basic product. That's okay. You have to stick with it until you have enough skincare products of your own.

But, if you want to get serious with your skincare routine and keep your skin in good condition, and always look attractive at all times then you need to come out of these myths about men not having a skincare routine.

Here are the best alternatives to some of the common skincare myths that guys can apply:

1. Using Regular Body Soap For Your Face

Guys! This is really a no-no, but your face will totally forgive you for having done it.

I have seen it practiced time and time again to use bar soap for washing the face while bathing from head to toe.

After all, guys don't really like having so many skincare products, right?

Yeah, kind of.

Cons: The issue is that your facial skin is really delicate unlike the other parts of your body, that's why using a harsh body soap will definitely dry out your face and make it prone to breakout, redness, and all sort of facial irritations.

Which you totally want to avoid at all cost, right?

This is what you should do instead:

Ditch bar soaps and splurge on a gentle face cleanser instead.


2. Using Big Foamy Lather For Shaving Your Beards

Ugh, this is one of the mistakes I really fell for big-time...

Well, have you?

Though it is commonly shared amongst guys as a good skin care tip for guys, especially college dudes. So many times, guys are told to shave with more foam for a better outcome.

And can you guess why?

Because it is absolutely a fun way to shave actually!

But here's why it doesn't rock.

Cons: Foams don't protect your facial skin from dehydration leading to excess production of facial oils that will definitely lead to clogging of your facial pores.

Bad, right?

Here's what to do instead:

Invest in some after-shave-on beard products, shaving cream and shaving kits.

3.  Not All Skin Types Needs Moisturizer


The skin needs to be hydrated. I think it's fairly safe to say that your skin will turn dry if you don't moisturize it often.

Cons: It will get used to producing more facial oil to keep itself hydrated leaving you with the scenario of breakouts and trapping of dead facial skin cells which is what is called clogging of the pores.

Here's what to do instead:

So, why not save yourself all the hassle and focus more on a good skincare routine like investing in good non-oil-producing face moisturizers!


4. Not Investing In Any Skincare Products Because They Are Quite Expensive And Leaves You Irritated

I get it.

You don't just like the red bumps and irritating feel you get after doing skincare?

Or, better still,

You are new, and you are left in the middle of endless skincare products to choose from. It's something new and you still doubt if it's going to make any change at all, right?

Well, that's a bit of a hook because to go on an intensive skincare journey you have to invest.

And investing in a good skincare routine is what reduced my acne and naturally upgraded my skin complexion and facial look on the outside.

Pros: Skincare routines are the brain behind my looking so attractive even on simple casual outfits.

Here's a glance at how I do my basic skincare routine for my face.

Step 1: Check my look for bushy beards and hairs, then shave or trim, and if I don't shave I apply my exfoliator

Step 2: Do a moderate face cleansing and washing both in the morning and at night

Step 3: Use my toner to remove residues of dirt left after cleansing

Step 4: Apply serum to treat my face acne

Step 5: Use an oil-free producing moisturizer

Step 6: Pop up my face mask for an added acne treatment

So, that's basically how simple my skincare routine can be, free from unnecessary hassles, isn't it cool enough for a guy?

And you know the best part?

You ONLY need two essential skincare products, to begin with as a starter!

Which are a Face cleanser and a Moisturizer.

Also, invest in dual action products to save cost as well. Other note-worthy skincare products you should know about:

Facial scrub
Skin conditioner
Facial mask
Post-shave balm
Beard oil
Alcohol-free toner
Oil-absorbing face mask
Eye cream
Vitamin C serum
Moisturizing Sunscreen

The list of skincare products for men can go and on. Just find your needs, use suitable products to solve the need, and then stick to a regime!

5. Not Automating Your Routine  

I like to enjoy the process of doing my skincare routines, because the first impression matters a lot, especially when am expecting a visitor or rather going out for a walk with or without friends.

Making your routine a process you follow on a scheduled basis will make you naturally look attractive and people will stick to you like butter!

Isn't that what you want?

Here are some easy ways to make your skincare routine an easy flow.

a. Place more thought on preventive care

b. Think of your skincare routine as a spa

c. Place your products on your bathroom counter or shelf

d. Set an alarm reminder

e.Take Pictures of before and after

f. Post your routine on the mirror

g. Start little with the basic skincare products- face cleanser & moisturizer


How about now? Does it make the process easy to do?

#3 Not Knowing Why You Need A Skincare

I was 100% guilty of doing this because I had zero idea of why I needed to do skincare. 

So, why should you not ditch the idea of having a skincare routine as a guy?

The body is not dump. It needs to keep on working to stay active all day long (even at night!)

If you are not complimenting your body's needs by doing skincare, then your body will penalize you for it.

What should be done then?

You need to know why skincare is good for you and why you need one, that is what this post is all about. 

The following prompts should help you know why you need a basic routine each and every week:

a. Do you care about your image even if you are a guy?

b. Don't you think having a skincare routine you stick to would boost your confidence as a guy?

c. Do you have face concerns like acne, black spots that trouble you?

d. Can you withstand the effects of aging without your routines?

e. Do you desire people to get attracted to you no matter what?

f. How much do you love you?

g. What's your lifestyle like- just wearing nice and expensive outfits without a basic skincare routine?

h. Do I really understand why skincare is necessary?

i. Do I want to age poorly believing in all the skincare myths that guys should not do?

j. Don't I want to stay healthy?

These lists of skincare prompt and self-reflection can go on and on.

Remember there's no all-in-one perfect skincare product for a skincare routine, all you actually need is a regime that works for your skin!


That was the first on men's skincare routine mistakes blog series of 10 on the mistakes that guys need to fix so as to look naturally attractive and healthy at the same time.

Remember everyone is prone to making these mistakes, let me know in the comments what you are doing to change your skincare routine.

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